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Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction
Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction is a research group within experimental computer science. The research mission is to create new concepts and ubiquitous computing master thesis within the areas ubiquitous computing and interaction.
The group works in three primary areas 1 interactive spaces, including Shape Changing Interfaces SUICross Device Interaction, and Proxemics; 2 Augmented and Virtual Reality focusing on industrial applications, such as context aware instructions, remote assistance, and 3D Interaction; 3 Visual Analytics for Big Data, including health data from wearables, hospital logistics data, and data from a variety of domains.
Have ubiquitous computing master thesis look at our recent projects. The group builds on a variety of competences such as: Interaction Design, Positioning, Context Awareness, Mobile Computing, PeerPeer computing, Augmented Reality, Hypermedia, Visual Analytics and Info Visualization. Sensor based interaction, Crowd-sensing, Data Aggregation etc. Professor Kaj Grønbæk, is heading the group, while also being Head of Department, ubiquitous computing master thesis, he is still Ubiquitous computing master thesis on large ongoing strategic research projects like DABAI www.
dkMADE www. dkand HealthD www. If you are interested in joining our group, ubiquitous computing master thesis, as master's thesis student, PhD student, or postdoc, feel free to contact the faculty members.
For more general questions about PhD studies at Department of Computer Science, please see our website of contact PhD Committee chairman Anders Møller. UD AF BOKSEN: kinæstetisk interaktion from cs. dk on Vimeo. Research Algorithms, Data Structures and Foundations of Machine Learning Computational Complexity and Game Theory Computer Mediated Activity Data-Intensive Systems Cryptography and Security Logic and Semantics Programming Languages Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction Research projects People Publications Bachelor and Master courses Bioinformatics Use, Design and Innovation Modelling and Validation of Distributed Systems Centers Publications PhD Studies.
Focus points for the Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction group. About the group. Head of Research. Kaj Grønbæk Head of Department M kgronbak cs. Niels Olof Bouvin Associate professor M bouvin cs. Hans Gellersen Professor M hwg cs. Marianne Graves Petersen Associate professor M mgraves cs. Hans-Jörg Schulz Associate professor M hjschulz cs.
Join our group. Out of the Box UD AF BOKSEN: kinæstetisk interaktion from cs. Revised Marianne Dammand Iversen.
Intro to Ubiquitous Computing
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