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Qsar phd thesis

Qsar phd thesis

qsar phd thesis

Libros PDF. 4, likes · 2 talking about this. Download free books in PDF format. Read online books for free new release and bestseller The Samoothiri (Anglicised as Zamorin; Malayalam: Sāmūtiri, Arabic: Sāmuri, Portuguese: Samorim, Dutch: Samorijn, Chinese: Shamitihsi) was the hereditary monarch of the kingdom of Kozhikode (Calicut) on the South Malabar region of India. Calicut was one of the important trading ports on the south-western coast of India. At the peak of their reign, the Zamorins ruled over a region from °C Alfa Aesar: °F ( °C) NIOSH SJ °C Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Phenol: °C Alfa Aesar , , A °C Matrix Scientific °C Biosynth J 25 °C / mmHg ( °C / mmHg) FooDB FDB °C Parchem – fine & specialty chemicals °F / mmHg ( °C

Zamorin - Wikipedia

The Samoothiri Anglicised as Zamorin ; Malayalam : SāmūtiriArabic : Sāmuri[2] Portuguese : SamorimDutch : SamorijnChinese : Shamitihsi [3] was the hereditary monarch qsar phd thesis the kingdom of Kozhikode Calicut on the South Malabar region of India.

Calicut was one of the important trading ports on the south-western coast of India. At the peak of their reign, the Zamorins ruled over a region from Kollam Quilon to Panthalayini Kollam Koyilandy. It was after the dissolution of the kingdom of Cheras of Kodungallur in the early 12th century, the Samanthan Nair Eradis of Nediyiruppu originally autonomous chiefs of Eranadu demonstrated their political independence under the title of Zamorin.

Calicut was then an important entrepôt in south-western India where Chinese and West Asian trade met. The port at Kozhikode held the superior economic and political position in medieval Kerala coast, qsar phd thesis, while KannurKollamand Kochiwere commercially important secondary ports, where the traders from various parts of the world would gather, qsar phd thesis.

The Kunjali Marakkars, the famous Muslim qsar phd thesis, were the naval chiefs of Calicut. By the end of the 16th century the Portuguese — now commanding the spice traffic on the Malabar Coast — had succeeded qsar phd thesis replacing the Muslim merchants in the Qsar phd thesis Sea.

The Dutch supplanted the Portuguese in the 17th century, who in turn were supplanted by the British. Travancore became the most dominant state in Kerala by defeating the powerful Zamorin of Kozhikode in the battle of Purakkad in Eventually, the status of the Zamorin was reduced to that of a pensioner of the company The title zamorin first appears in the writings of Ibn Battuta in In Tuhfat Ul Mujahideen written by Zainuddin Makhdoom II in 16th century CE, the word is pronounced as Sāmuri.

In fact, the term derives from Sanskrit svami and sri which in combined form becomes tiri[15] which Krishna Iyer glosses as "emperor". He gives the complete title as Svami Tiri Tirumulapad "august emperor". in inscriptions from c. No records indicate the actual personal name of the ruler. The title "Kunnalakkon" "Lord of Hills and Waves" and its Sanskrit form "Shailabdhishvara" are mostly found in later literary works such as Manipravalam and Sanskrit poems.

Qsar phd thesis Kovilakam in Ponnani served as a second home for the Zamorins of Calicut. Qsar phd thesis chief Kerala ports under control of the Zamorins in the late 15th century were Panthalayini Kollam, and Calicut. The Zamorin of Calicut derived greater part of his revenues by taxing the spice trade through his ports. Smaller ports in the kingdom were Puthuppattanam KottakkalParappanangadiTanur TanorePonnani PonaniChetuva Chetwai and Kodungallur Cranganore, qsar phd thesis.

The port of Beypore qsar phd thesis as a ship building center. According to K. Krishna Iyer, the court historian in Calicut, the members of the royal house of Zamorin belonged the Eradi sub caste of Nair aristocracy. So the Samantas — already crystallized as a distinctive social group, something of a "sub-caste" — began to style themselves as "Samanta Kshatriyas". In the royal family, qsar phd thesis of the princesses were usually tied by Kshatriyas from Kodungallur chief's qsar phd thesis, which the Zamorin recognised as more ancient and therefore higher rank.

The women's sambandham partners were Nambudiri Brahmins or Kshatriyas. Zamorin's consort was dignified by the title "Naittiyar", qsar phd thesis. The family of chieftains that ruled the polities in premodern Kerala was known as the swaroopam. The rulers of Calicut belonged to "Nediyirippu swaroopam" and followed matriliny system of inheritance. The eldest male member of Nediyirippu swaroopam became the Zamorin of Calicut. There was a set pattern of succession, indicated by sthanams in the royal line, qsar phd thesis.

Five sthanams were defined in Calicut. These positions were based on the chronological seniority of the incumbent in the different thavazhis of the swaroopam and constituted what is called in the records as "kuruvazhcha". Unlike in the case of Cochin Kochithere was no rotation of position among the thavazhis. Thus no particular thavazhi enjoyed any privilege or precedence in the matter of succession, as the only criterion for succession was seniority of age.

Five sthanams existed in Calicut, each with its own separate property enjoyed in succession by the senior members of the three kovilakams of the family. The senior female member of the whole Zamorin family, the Valiya Thamburatti, also enjoyed a sthanam with separate property known as the Ambadi Kovilakam.

Brahmanic legends such as the Keralolpathi compiled in its final form c. There were two brothers belonging to the Eradi ruling family at Nediyiruppu. The brothers Manichan qsar phd thesis Vikraman were the most trusted warriors in the militia of the Kodungallur Cheras.

However, during the partition of Chera kingdom, the Chera monarch failed to allocate any land to Nediyiruppu. Filled with guilt, the king later gave an unwanted piece of marshy tract of land called Kozhikode to the younger brother Vikraman the elder brother died in the battle.

The king also gifted his personal sword and his favourite prayer conch — both broken — to him and told him to occupy as much as land as he could with all his might. So the Eradis conquered neighbouring kingdoms and created a large state for themselves. As a token of their respect to the Chera king, they adopted the logo of two crossed swords, with a broken conch in the middle and a lighted lamp above it.

Durate Barbosa, in the early 16th century, mentions the Cheraman sword among the three swords and other royal emblems of the Zamorin usually taken out in ceremonial processions.

The sword was worshipped by the Zamorins in their private temple everyday and especially at the time of the coronation. The Cheraman sword was burnt in a surprise attack by the Dutch at Kodungallur while the Zamorin was residing with Velutha Nambiyar. A new sword was made in out of the fragments of the old, qsar phd thesis. The broken parts of the sword, kept in a fully qsar phd thesis copper sheath, are still worshipped daily in the Bhagavathi temple attached to the palace of the Zamorins at Thiruvachira.

Historical records regarding the origin of the Zamorin of Calicut are obscure. Old Malayalam inscriptions name two titles for the rulers of Eranad - Manvepala Manaviyata c. In the later period, Manavikrama, Manaveda and Viraraya were the only names given to male members in the royal family, the Zamorin always qsar phd thesis known as Manavikrama.

Historians assume that Manaveda might be a corruption of qsar phd thesis old Malayalam title "Manaviyata". The strength of the "Hundred Organisation" of the senior prince of Eranadu was "Six Hundred", qsar phd thesis. Hundred organisations with same capacity are also found in Ramavalanadu, Valluvanadu, qsar phd thesis, Kizhmalanadu, and Venadu. Scholars comes across only one nadu with a stronger force, namely Kurumpuranadu, with a force of Seven Hundred although many lesser ones with Five Hundred of Purakizhanadu, Three Hundred of Nantuzhanadu, etc.

As per the charter, while residing at Chera capital Kodungallur, qsar phd thesis, king Bhaskara Ravi granted Jewish merchant Joseph Rabban a plate giving him the proprietorship of the merchant guild Anchuvannam and other 72 special trade privileges, qsar phd thesis. Rabban was also exempted from all payments made by other settlers in the town to the king, and in-turn, all the rights of other settlers in the town were extended to him. The document was attested by qsar phd thesis chief feudatories of the Chera king - Govardhana Marthanda VenaduKotha Chirikanthan VenpalinaduManavepala Mana Viyatan EralanaduRayiran Chathan ValluvanaduKotha Ravi Netumpurayur-nadu - and Murkan Chathan the commander of the eastern forces.

Anchuvannam was a merchant guild in Kerala organised by Jewish, Christian and Muslim merchants from the Middle East. The Chera king Rama Kulasekhara, qsar phd thesis, residing at Kollam, sitting in royal council with Arya Brahmins of the temple, the Four Brahmin Qsar phd thesis, the Leader of the Thousand Nairs, the Leader of the Six Hundred Nairs of Venadu, Punthurakkon Manavikrama - the chief of Eranadu, and other feudatories, made amends for some offence against the Arya Brahmins by donating paddy for daily feeding the Brahmins and leasing out a Cherikkal for that purpose to Venadu chief Kumara Udaya Varma.

The chief of Eranadu Manavepala Mana Viyatan creates an endowment for Tiruvilakku at Trichambaram temple. The Six Hundred of Eralanadu and the Three Hundred of Etattirai Nadu, among others, make provision for "uttu" by assigning land to the Pulpatta temple.

Fine is prescribed for the violation of the rules. The Uralar are authorised to take over from Pattavalan officer in charge of collection in case of obstruction. Manigramam was a famous merchant guild active in southern India and south-east Asia organised by native Indians.

Although there is no solid basis for the famous partition legend the Cheraman Perumal tradition surrounding the end of Kodungallur Cheras, it is a possibility that following the mysterious disappearance of the ruler, the land was "partitioned" and that the governors of different nadus asserted independence, proclaiming it as their gift from the last overlord.

There is some ambiguity regarding the exact course of events that led to the establishment of Eradi's rule over Calicut, their later seat. Some historians are of the view that the Eradi was in fact a favourite of the last Kodungallur Chera king as he was at the forefront of the battles with the Chola — Pandya forces in south Kerala. The Eradi seems to have led the Chera army to victory.

The king therefore granted him, as a mark of favour, a small tract of land on the sea-coast Calicut in addition to his hereditary possessions [Eralanadu province]. The Eradis subsequently moved their seat to the coastal "marshy lands" and established the city of Qsar phd thesis. To corroborate his assertion that Eradi prince was a member of the inner circle of the last Chera king Rama Kulasekhara c, qsar phd thesis.

According to the inscription, the king, residing at Panainkavu Palace at Kurakkeni Kollam, sitting in council with Arya Brahmins, the Four Brahmin Ministers, the Leader of the Thousand Nairs, the Leader of the Six Hundred Nairs of Venadu, Punthurakkon Manavikrama - the chief of Eranadu, and other feudatories, qsar phd thesis, made prayaschittam for some offence against the Arya Brahmins by donating paddy for daily feeding the Brahmins and leasing out a Cherikkal for that purpose to Venadu chief Kumaran Udaya Varma.

Keralolpathi describes the events following the gift of Calicut to the Eradi prince. Kozhikode and its suburbs formed part of Polanadu ruled by Polarthiri. The Eradi marched with his Nairs towards Panniyankara and besieged the Polarthiri at his base, resulting in a year-long standoff, qsar phd thesis.

The Eradi was unsuccessful, and then he propitiated the Bhagavatibribed the followers of Polarthiri and even the consort of the ruler qsar phd thesis Polanadu and won them to his side.

Learning of this treachery Polarthiri fled from Kozhikode. The Eradi emerged victorious and shifted his seat from Nediyiruppu to Kozhikode - then also called "Thrivikramapuram". The Eradis built a fort Koyil Kotta at a place called "Velapuram" port to safeguard their new interests. The power balance in Kerala changed as Eralnadu rulers developed the port at Calicut. The Zamorin became one of the most powerful chiefs in Kerala. Smaller chiefdoms south of Calicut — Beypore, Chaliyam, Parappanadu and Tanur Vettam — soon had to submit and became their feudatories one by one.

The rulers of Payyormala, Kurumbranaduqsar phd thesis, and other Nair chiefs on the suburbs of Calicut also acknowledged the supremacy of Calicut. There were battles qsar phd thesis Calicut and Kurumbranadu for a coastal region called Payyanadu. Payyanadu was a part of Kurumbranadu in early times, and was eventually given as a "royal gift" to Calicut. Calicut easily overran the Kurumbranadu warriors in the battle and Kurumbranadu had to sue for peace by surrendering Valisseri.

The ruler of Calicut next turned his attention to the valley of Perar. Large parts of the valley was then ruled by Valluvakkonathiri, the ancient hereditary chief of Valluvanadu.

The principal objective of Calicut was the capture the qsar phd thesis settlement of Thirunavaya. Soon the Zamorins found themselves intervened in the so-called kurmatsaram between Nambudiris of Panniyurkur and Chovvarakur. In the most recent event, the Nambudiris from Thirumanasseri Nadu had assaulted and burned the nearby rival village. The rulers of Valluvanadu and Perumpadappu came to help the Chovvaram and raided Panniyur simultaneously.

Thirumanasseri Nadu was overran by its neighbours on south and east. The Thirumanasseri Nambudiri appealed to the ruler of Calicut for help, and promised to cede the port of Ponnani to Calicut as the price for his protection.

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qsar phd thesis

Libros PDF. 4, likes · 2 talking about this. Download free books in PDF format. Read online books for free new release and bestseller The Samoothiri (Anglicised as Zamorin; Malayalam: Sāmūtiri, Arabic: Sāmuri, Portuguese: Samorim, Dutch: Samorijn, Chinese: Shamitihsi) was the hereditary monarch of the kingdom of Kozhikode (Calicut) on the South Malabar region of India. Calicut was one of the important trading ports on the south-western coast of India. At the peak of their reign, the Zamorins ruled over a region from Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language

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