May 18, · Dissertation proposal presented for MA Marketing Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website Title: Microsoft Word - Thesis Proposal blogger.com Created Date: 3/2/ PM The presentation will need to cover all of the following areas: Title: show what the research is going to be about and also acknowledge your mentor and department if applicable. Introduction: this needs to show: the reasons for choosing this topic, why it is of interest to you and to the subject
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No Downloads. Views Total views, phd dissertation proposal presentation. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Dissertation Proposal Ppt 1. Dissertation Proposal: Influencing Factors and Consumer Behaviour Towards the Purchasing of Colour Phd dissertation proposal presentation in Saudi Arabia 2, phd dissertation proposal presentation.
Overview Introduction Background Information Literature Review to date Themes Key Marketing Theories Rationale Research Aims, Objectives and Significance Suggested Methodology and Time Line References to date 2 3. Introduction 3 4. Introduction This research study focuses on the influencing factors and the consumers behaviour towards the purchasing of colour cosmetics, in terms of their brand choice as a function of consumer decision- making, and the effectiveness of advertising in regards to Saudi women.
Background Information 5 6. The Consumer The Saudi Arabian society is conservative. The consumer remains a competitive and lucrative target market. Due to the nature of the sector, Women characterize the consumer. The annual disposable income for women is continually increasing. Saudi women prioritise and care about their appearance. Young and wealthy Saudi consumers consider cosmetics an important purchase, and are attracted to the market due phd dissertation proposal presentation the various Euromonitor International, Colour Cosmetics, amounts of products.
Competitive Activity The colour cosmetics market is decidedly competitive and fragmented. International premium and mass brands monopolise the market. Leading companies and brands include: Euromonitor International, Colour Cosmetics phd dissertation proposal presentation, 8 9.
Market Activity International companies lead marketing activities. TV commercials are the preferred method by which many companies propagate themselves to elevate awareness of new phd dissertation proposal presentation and innovations. Companies are now offering new fashionable products to consumers. Euromonitor International, Colour CosmeticsEuromonitor International, Consumer Lifestyle, 9 Distribution and Retail The boom in the real estate industry has resulted in the development of many retail outlets including malls, hypermarkets and department stores, with the beauty retailers rapidly expanding.
Thus, distribution continues to be fundamental in the development of colour cosmetics. Saudi Arabian women are continually Euromonitor International, Consumer Lifestyle, encouraged to shop more within these channels to raise the sales of colour cosmetics.
Literature review to date 11 Themes Marketing Strategy Consumer Branding Behaviour Culture Communication 12 Word-of-mouth advertising Country of origin Culture Effect on consumer perception and attitude Women's behaviour towards advertising Please refer to references for key Consumer behaviour articles Influencing factors 13 Rationale 14 Rationale Due to Saudi Arabia being a developing country and the limited amount of information available, the study will need to be applied there in order to shed some insight in to the theoretical approach to consumers behaviour.
Has been minimally affected by the current global financial crisis. Euromonitor International, Consumer Lifestyle, 15 Rationale Cont. Research Aims, Objectives and Significance 17 Research Aims To establish what the main influencing factors are behind the purchasing of colour cosmetic brands within the retail environment in Saudi Arabia.
Further, to find out how effective is the advertising of these products in Saudi Arabia. Research Objectives Verify which brands of facial colour cosmetic products are foremost in consumers minds; which are purchased, and how frequently among Saudi Arabian woman. Track the rate of willingness and recommendations to purchase and re-purchase colour cosmetic product brands in Saudi Arabia, and the interpretation behind this. Measure the significance of, and the fulfilment with, specific attributes of the purchasing experience of the colour cosmetics retail environment in Saudi Arabia.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the current advertising methods currently adapted in Saudi Arabia for colour 19 cosmetics. Research Significance Because of the nature of the society, and with the main researcher being a woman, this will aid access to Saudi women consumers that would otherwise prove challenging to male researchers. The study will aid companies marketing departments with relation to: Clarifying the companies marketing strategy, especially the branding strategy.
Understanding the purchasing rate, process and behaviour. Establishing profitable methods to comprehend and relate to the Saudi consumer. Suggested Methodology and Time Line 21 Sampling Non-probability sampling will be used. Thus, snowball sampling is used to enable access to a number of respondents and their referrals.
Selection will be from some specific demographic groups in order to circumspectly subdivide the target population phd dissertation proposal presentation represent it accordingly. Sampling Cont. Thus, the sample are women between 20 - 24 years of age, some that work, have a high educational level student or graduatephd dissertation proposal presentation, and are living in the city of Jeddah, phd dissertation proposal presentation.
Research Method In-depth interview Survey No. Of 10 Respondents Malhotra, 23 Research Method Cont. The Observation method will enable analysis of consumers retail experience during the shopping of colour cosmetics. The respondents will be monitored in 2 beauty outlets.
The qualitative and quantitative research questions will be behavioural as well as attitudinal types. Their image and rate of things 25 References to date AI-Shudukhi, H. K Brand Choice as a Function of Consumer Decision Making; A Study of Factors Underlying Saudi Women's Selection of Facial Makeup Brands, phd dissertation proposal presentation.
Journal of King Saud University. Al-Juhiam, O. A Thesis Submitted To the University of Huddersfield in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Huddersfield: Huddersfield University Business School. Balter, D. England: Portfolio. Birn, R. England: Kogan Page Limited. References to date Brown, W.
The Journal of Marketing. Advertising in East Asia: Special Issue. Dr Vernon,J. Euromonitor International Consumer Lifestyles - Saudi Arabia. com [accessed: 21st November ] Euromonitor International Colour Cosmetics - Saudi Arabia.
Tips and Tricks for your Proposal Defense Day Presentation
, time: 8:08
Title: Microsoft Word - Thesis Proposal blogger.com Created Date: 3/2/ PM † The purpose for presenting a proposal for a dissertation is that the proposal gives a Ph.D. student the opportunity to present to a group of Ph.D. statisticians (a) what the student proposes to study: What is the research problem in the disser- [Title of Dissertation] A Dissertation Proposal [Candidate Name] The University of Findlay [Date of Meeting] * * * * * * * Background of the Problem Slide briefly highlighting/outlining the background of the problem from Chapter 1 Rationale Slide briefly highlighting/outlining the rationale & significance of the study from Chapter 1 Purpose of the Study Slide briefly highlighting/outlining the Author: M S
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