Ph.D. dissertations in mathematics education should be (1) experimental studies in learning, (2) analytical studies in policy theory in mathematics education, or (3) other scholarly investigations of problems and issues of broad significance in the field Theses/Dissertations from PDF. The Effect of Students' Mathematical Beliefs on Knowledge Transfer, Kristen Adams. PDF. Language Use in Mathematics Textbooks Written in English and Spanish, Kailie Ann Bertoch. PDF. Teachers' Curricular Reasoning and MKT in the Context of Algebra and Statistics, Kolby J. Gadd Dec 24, · The study aimed to explore teachers’ mathematical knowledge in respect of teaching the concept of fractions to Grade 6 learners. To that end a qualitative study was done, using a case study design. Data were collected This study examined “problem solving skills in circle geometry concepts in Euclidean Geometry
Mathematics Education Theses and Dissertations | Mathematics Education | Brigham Young University
Apply Now. Request Information. Student Handbook. The Doctor of Philosophy program in mathematics education is located in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Arizona State University, phd dissertation mathematics education. This program is unique because it provides students with stronger mathematical training than PhD programs that are traditionally located in education colleges.
Our faculty are national leaders in mathematics education with outstanding interdisciplinary research programs and strong external phd dissertation mathematics education. Reforming mathematics education requires understanding of the interplay amongst cognitive, social, cultural, and institutional forces. As such, mathematics education research is inherently phd dissertation mathematics education, drawing from mathematics, education, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, and sociology.
The mathematics education group at Arizona State University is particularly interested in mathematics learning and pedagogy at the high-school and early college levels and on the learning process in traditional, flipped class models and online settings.
Content areas include precalculus, calculus, and the transition to advanced theoretical courses. The school has more than 50 full-time faculty members and 13 postdoctoral faculty and is housed largely in Charles Wexler Hall, near the center of campus, phd dissertation mathematics education.
Of the approximately doctoral students, more phd dissertation mathematics education half are fully supported as teaching or research assistants. Our graduate students enjoy a collaborative atmosphere and a full schedule of research seminars and colloquiums each week.
The school hosts an annual Math and Stats Career Day and graduate students explore multiple career paths in science and industry, as well as academia. Graduates of the mathematics education PhD program have opportunities in Arizona, the US and internationally. Typical careers are as professors at research universities and liberal arts colleges, mathematics teachers in community colleges, and as researchers for education consultant firms.
The PhD in mathematics education accommodates students from a variety of academic backgrounds, phd dissertation mathematics education. It provides students with a solid foundation in graduate-level mathematics as well as research skills and perspectives that will allow them to deal broadly with problems of mathematics teaching, learning, curriculum, and technology. Conducting individual and collaborative research in the teaching and learning of mathematics is an integral part of the program.
The credit program includes four required courses which act as qualifier exams, a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive exam, a phd dissertation mathematics education, and a written dissertation.
The program encourages interdisciplinary study and has a strong research focus. The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences offers about 20 new teaching assistantships each year. PhD application deadline is July 1, if you are applying for admission only and are not competing for TA support. PhD application deadline is December 10, if you want to compete for a teaching assistant position. Applications are accepted for fall admission only.
We do not accept applications for spring admission. The graduate review committee will begin reviewing completed applications for admission and teaching assistantship positions after December 10 for fall admission, phd dissertation mathematics education. The first round of offers for TA support will be made by late January. See Graduate Admissions for additional information on non-refundable application fees and the late processing fee.
Application Evaluation Each applicant is evaluated not only on their GRE scores and grades, but also on their personal statement and letters of recommendation. Only completed applications submitted through the on-line process will be reviewed. We receive many inquiries asking for a pre-evaluation to see if an applicant would be eligible to apply or make suggestions on their credentials. Unfortunately we are not able to review any application information sent to us. More specifics can be found on the How To Apply page, phd dissertation mathematics education.
I really enjoy studying Math Education because of its interdisciplinary nature — it brings in philosophy, psychology, learning theory and ideas from other fields to better understand how humans learn mathematics. Erika David Parr Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics - Rhodes College, Memphis TN PhD in Mathematics Education - Arizona State University Graduate Student Research Award.
The curriculum provides students with a solid foundation in graduate-level mathematics as well as research skills and perspectives that will allow them to deal broadly with problems of mathematics teaching, learning, curriculum, and technology.
Current members of the graduate faculty in mathematics education come from the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, mathematics, education, engineering, and statistics.
There are six essential components to a Ph. in mathematics education: Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education RUME coursework and graduate level mathematics coursework, phd dissertation mathematics education, a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive exam, a prospectus, research, and a dissertation.
Year 1: Students must take a year-long sequence in mathematics education: Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education RUME I and II MTE and MTE They also start to take four graduate level courses from mathematics, applied mathematics, or statistics.
Acceptable graduate level mathematics courses are listed in the Graduate Student Handbook. Year 2: Students must take RUME III and IV MTE and MTE in year phd dissertation mathematics education and must complete the four graduate level mathematics courses.
Phd dissertation mathematics education are phd dissertation mathematics education to submit a research proposal to a regional or national mathematics education research conference. This may be done collaboratively with other graduate students or with an advisor. Students must select a dissertation advisor by the end of the third semester and, in consultation with the advisor, submit a phd dissertation mathematics education of study iPOS by the end of semester three.
Year 3: Students take research hours or electives. Year 4: Students will defend a dissertation prospectus, and submit a research manuscript to a mathematics education research journal. Typically this will be done collaboratively with other graduate students or with an advisor. Year 5: Students will continue doing research in mathematics education and finish and defend their dissertation. The finals in RUME I and RUME II serve as Qualifying Exams. They should be attempted in year 1 and must be passed in semester 5, phd dissertation mathematics education.
Attaining at least a B in each of four graduate level mathematics courses is also part of the qualifier exam. Comprehensive Exams taken in year 4: The student will demonstrate mastery of Math, phd dissertation mathematics education. Ed literature related to the students research interests. Taking between 30 - 33 research hours in years 3 - 5 will culminate in a research proposal and oral presentation to the dissertation committee.
This serves as the prospectus exam. While the comprehensive exam shows that the student has the necessary knowledge to conduct research in a specialization area, the dissertation prospectus demonstrates mastery of the methods needed to identify, formulate, and plan research. Students must pass the dissertation prospectus exam by the end of the 8th semester. Four to five graduate-level and above elective phd dissertation mathematics education from mathematics, cognitive science, psychology, educational technology, philosophy or research should be taken as approved by the advisor.
Mathematics Education PhD students are required to take four courses from mathematics, applied mathematics, or statistics. These are also known as Area Courses. Details of acceptable courses are specified in the Graduate Student Handbook. The dissertation is the culmination of the doctoral program. By writing and defending a dissertation the student demonstrates readiness to conduct independent research in a specialization area.
There will be a public oral defense following the completion of the dissertation, phd dissertation mathematics education. An external reviewer, approved by the dissertation committee, will write a write a review evaluating the novelty and scholarship of the dissertation. Students may transfer up to 30 credit hours from a masters in mathematics, or similar degree, into our PhD programs.
Up to 12 additional credit hours may transfer into a Plan of Study iPOS. Courses applied to a previously phd dissertation mathematics education degree cannot be included on an iPOS. Details phd dissertation mathematics education be found in the graduate college policies.
If you satisfy certain master's requirements, you can acquire a master's degree on your way to a PhD. More information can be found in the graduate college policies. School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. Undergraduate Programs Actuarial Science Program Bachelor of Science Degree Requirements Master of Science Degree Requirements Courses for Exam Preparation VEE Course Selection Transfer Students Exam Reimbursement Faculty and Advisors Gamma Iota Sigma Kappa Chapter GIS ASU News Archive Awards and Scholarships Graduation With Academic Recognition Advisory Board Professional Network.
Actuarial Science BS Computational Mathematical Sciences BS Data Science BS Mathematics BS Mathematics BA Mathematics Secondary Education BS Mathematics Statistics BS. Analysis and Management of Insurance Risk Certificate Phd dissertation mathematics education Certificate Mathematical Concepts of Engineering Certificate Computational Mathematical Sciences Minor Mathematics Minor Statistics Minor. Graduate Degrees Applied Mathematics PhD Mathematics PhD Mathematics Education PhD Statistics PhD Actuarial Science MS Mathematics MA Statistics MS.
Statistics Grad Certificate. Undergraduate Admission Tuition and Paying for College Scholarships and Awards Charles Wexler Awards Scholarship and Award Recipients. Graduate Admission How to Apply Cost of Attendance Financial Support Fellowships and Awards Request Information. Undergraduate Experience Academic Advising Campus Life Clubs and Organizations Internships, phd dissertation mathematics education. Graduate Experience Graduate Academic Advising Clubs and Organizations International Students Arizona Lifestyle.
Research Areas Graduate Research PhD Dissertations Master's Portfolio Projects Research Training Group. Research Experiences for Undergraduates REUs AM 2 REU MCTP.
Leadership Faculty Staff Graduate Students. Math Courses ASU Course Catalog Math Tutoring Center Math Community Center Other Tutoring Options Transferring Coursework Computing Resources Office hours Sexual Harassment Policy. Family-Related Resources. Mathematics Education PhD. Apply Now Request Information Student Handbook. Required core courses - RUME 1 - 4 12 hours. Coursework Year 1: Students must take a year-long sequence in mathematics education: Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education RUME I and II MTE and MTE Year 3: Students take research hours or electives, Year 4: Students will defend a dissertation prospectus, phd dissertation mathematics education, phd dissertation mathematics education submit a research manuscript to a mathematics education research journal.
Exams The finals in RUME I and RUME II serve as Qualifying Exams. Prospectus Taking between 30 - 33 research hours in years 3 - 5 will culminate in a research proposal and oral presentation to the dissertation committee. Electives 42 hours. Graduate Level Mathematics Courses 12 hours. Research 6 hours.
Ashley Simons' Senior Math Thesis Presentation - Pomona College
, time: 25:06Dissertations for Mathematics Education - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)

Ph.D. dissertations in mathematics education should be (1) experimental studies in learning, (2) analytical studies in policy theory in mathematics education, or (3) other scholarly investigations of problems and issues of broad significance in the field Mathematics PhD theses. A selection of Mathematics PhD thesis titles is listed below, some of which are available online: André Macedo - Local-global principles for norms Theses/Dissertations from PDF. The Effect of Students' Mathematical Beliefs on Knowledge Transfer, Kristen Adams. PDF. Language Use in Mathematics Textbooks Written in English and Spanish, Kailie Ann Bertoch. PDF. Teachers' Curricular Reasoning and MKT in the Context of Algebra and Statistics, Kolby J. Gadd
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