Human Resource Management. This degree specialism puts functional areas of business and management alongside advanced Economics courses such as International Trade, Developmental Economics and Global Trends and Ethics. Our expert Economics faculty call on their industry experience and research-led knowledge to bring these enterprise subjects to It also considers international examples of human resource management and some aspects of comparative HR practice, helping to prepare you for work in the global economy. If you want to develop an academic career, the course provides training in research and academic skills and is ideal preparation for doctoral studies in the field of HR management MSc Human Resource Management Explore Explore. Apply To UEL. Course summary Recent dissertation topics have included the female talent pipeline in the mobile phone industry and assessing the readiness for change in a large marketing company. International Business Management
Human Resource Management and Consulting MSc
To gain this qualification, you need credits and there are two routes to achieving this. If you are looking to gain CIPD recognition you should choose Route 1. You should study the modules in the order shown. However if you wish to start in May, you can do so with Route 1 by taking Workplace learning with coaching and mentoring B first as a standalone module.
When you register dissertation international human resource management The human resource professional B and meet the entry requirements for the qualification, B can be linked to the qualification.
This module provides an introduction to the various requirements of a human resource professional in an organisation. This module examines how HR policies and practices operate at macro societal and international and micro organisational levels, incorporating resourcing and talent management as examples of HR practice. This module explores employment relations strategies in national and international contexts and the associated impacts on employee engagement, as well as the management of change, diversity and conflict, dissertation international human resource management.
This module explores learning and talent development at strategic and operational levels and provides an opportunity to develop coaching and mentoring skills.
Or, subject to the rules about excluded combinations, the discontinued module B plus a final credit compulsory module:. In the final module of the MSc in Human Resource Management you will learn about research methods, carry out a research study and write a dissertation based on this project. This module introduces the various requirements of a human resource professional in an organisation.
Both routes to the MSc in Human Resource Management are complemented by a three-day residential school or online alternative that provides an additional opportunity to practise and receive feedback on HR skills. For those seeking CIPD membership, Route 1 dissertation international human resource management the residential school module are compulsory requirements.
For all other students, the residential school module is optional. A residential school only module in human resource management that is required for CIPD accreditation of both the Postgraduate Diploma and the MSc in Human Resource Management.
You should apply for credit transfer as soon as possible, dissertation international human resource management, before you register for your first module. For more details and an application form, visit our Credit Transfer website.
If your masters degree is awardable with a distinction or a merit, the qualification regulations explain how you can achieve these. As a student of The Open University, you should be aware of the content of the qualification-specific regulations below and the academic regulations that are available on our Student Policies and Regulations website.
We regularly review our curriculum; therefore, the qualification described on this page — including its availability, its structure, and available modules — may change over time.
This description was last updated on 17 March You must hold a bachelors degree awarded by a recognised UK university, or equivalent. Please contact us if you hold a qualification that you believe dissertation international human resource management an equivalent level to a UK degree, to ensure that it meets the requirements for admission.
Your spoken and written English must be of an adequate standard for postgraduate study. If English is not your first language, we recommend that you will need a minimum score of 6. Please see their website for details.
You will need to be able to draw on experience of working in or with organisations. This experience can be drawn from a wide range of situations such as employment in public and private sector organisations and in self-employed or voluntary roles. Most students study this qualification in three years by studying 60 credits a year. The minimum time to complete is two years by studying more than one module at a time.
The maximum time to complete is seven years. This qualification provides a route to professional membership of the CIPD if you wish to develop a career in HR management. It also considers international examples of human resource management and some aspects of comparative HR practice, dissertation international human resource management, helping to prepare you for work in the global economy.
If you want to develop an academic career, the course provides training in research and academic skills and is ideal preparation for doctoral studies in the field of HR management.
More generally, by studying a postgraduate business qualification you can expect your salary to increase and for it to have a positive impact on your career progression, as well as bringing improvements to your organisation. Careers and Employability Services have more information on how OU study can improve your employability. The Dissertation international human resource management University Business School is a CIPD-approved training centre having met the requirements of delivering high-quality professional qualifications and an excellent learning experience.
Skip to content, dissertation international human resource management. Postgraduate A to Z of courses Course types Course types Masters degrees Postgraduate diplomas Postgraduate certificates Microcredentials Postgraduate modules Why the OU Postgraduate distance learning Postgraduate distance learning Postgraduate qualifications Postgraduate entry requirements How will I study? Tutors and assessment Support, networking and community Disability support Fees and funding Fees and funding Financial support Postgraduate loan Postgraduate loan Postgraduate loan OUSBA loan Credit or debit card Employer sponsorship Mixed payments Credit transfer OU bursaries Grant funding Study costs funding Carers' Bursary Care Dissertation international human resource management Bursary Disability financial assistance STEMM bursary Over 60s bursary Careers How to apply Research degrees Research degrees Research areas Degrees we offer Research degree fees Application process Being an OU research student Student views FAQs.
You are viewing information for England. Change country or region. Course details Entry requirements Careers, dissertation international human resource management. Course details Modules. Route 1 60 credits from: Modules Credits Next start The human resource professional B This module provides an introduction to the various requirements of a human resource professional in an organisation.
See full description Register 30 06 Nov FINAL Human resource management in context B This module examines how HR policies and practices operate at macro societal and international and micro organisational levels, incorporating resourcing and talent management as examples of HR dissertation international human resource management. See full description Register 30 07 May FINAL plus 60 credits from: Modules Credits Next start Employment relations and employee engagement B This module explores employment relations strategies in national and international contexts and dissertation international human resource management associated impacts on employee engagement, as well as the management of change, diversity and conflict, dissertation international human resource management.
See full description Register 30 06 Nov Workplace learning with coaching and mentoring B This module explores learning and talent development at strategic and operational levels and provides an opportunity to develop coaching and mentoring skills.
See full description Register 30 07 May Or, subject to the rules about excluded combinations, dissertation international human resource management, the discontinued module B plus a final credit compulsory module: Module Credits Next start Dissertation HRM B In the final module of the MSc in Human Resource Management you will learn about research methods, carry out a research study and write a dissertation based on this project. See full description Register 60 06 Nov Route 2 60 credits from: Module Credits Next start HR management in practice BXM This module introduces the various requirements of a human resource professional in an organisation.
See full description Register 60 01 Nov FINAL plus 60 credits from: Modules Credits Next start Employment relations and employee engagement B This module explores employment relations strategies in national and international contexts and the associated impacts on employee engagement, as well as the management of change, diversity and conflict, dissertation international human resource management. See full description Register 60 06 Nov For CIPD recognition of this qualification: Both routes to the MSc in Human Resource Management are complemented by a three-day residential school or online alternative that provides an additional opportunity to practise and receive feedback on HR skills.
Module Credits Next start Human resource management residential school BXR A residential school only module in human resource management that is required for CIPD accreditation of both the Postgraduate Diploma and the MSc in Human Resource Management. This means that you must dissertation international human resource management at least 60 credits from OU modules that have not been counted in any other OU qualification that has previously been awarded to you.
Learning outcomes, teaching and assessment The learning outcomes of this qualification are described in four areas: Knowledge and understanding Cognitive skills Practical and professional skills Key skills Read more detailed information about the learning outcomes.
Regulations As a student of The Open University, you should be aware of the content of the qualification-specific regulations below and the academic regulations that are available on our Student Policies and Regulations website, dissertation international human resource management. MSc in Human Resource Management. Entry requirements You must hold a bachelors degree awarded by a recognised UK university, or equivalent.
How long it takes Most students study this qualification in three years by studying 60 credits a year. Career relevance This qualification provides a route to professional membership of the CIPD if you wish to develop a career in HR management. Accreditation The Open University Business School is a CIPD-approved training centre having met the requirements of delivering high-quality professional qualifications and an excellent learning experience.
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The human resource professional B This module provides an introduction to the various requirements of a human resource professional in an organisation. See full description Register. Human resource management in context B This module examines how HR policies and practices operate at macro societal and international and micro organisational levels, incorporating resourcing and talent management as examples of HR practice.
Employment relations and employee engagement B This module explores employment relations strategies in national and international contexts and the associated impacts on employee engagement, as well as the management of change, diversity and conflict.
Workplace learning with coaching and mentoring B This module explores learning and talent development at strategic and operational levels and provides an opportunity to develop coaching and mentoring skills.
Dissertation HRM B In the final module of the MSc in Human Resource Management you will learn about research methods, carry out a research study and write a dissertation based on this project. HR management in practice BXM This module introduces the various requirements of a human resource professional in an organisation. Human resource management residential school BXR A residential school only module in human resource management that is required for CIPD accreditation of both the Postgraduate Diploma and the MSc in Human Resource Management, dissertation international human resource management.
See full description.
Global Human Resource Management
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Human Resource Management. This degree specialism puts functional areas of business and management alongside advanced Economics courses such as International Trade, Developmental Economics and Global Trends and Ethics. Our expert Economics faculty call on their industry experience and research-led knowledge to bring these enterprise subjects to Human Resources Management. I am grateful to my supervisor blogger.com S. Mohamed from the Open University of Tanzania for his support and guidance during preparation of this dissertation.I would like to extend my heartfelt acknowledgements for assistance I received from the senior and junior staffs at Institute of Finance Management who MSc Human Resource Management Explore Explore. Apply To UEL. Course summary Recent dissertation topics have included the female talent pipeline in the mobile phone industry and assessing the readiness for change in a large marketing company. International Business Management
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